Suggested Green Goods and Services for Funeral Professionals
by Lee Webster
Services Home funeral families may be interested in purchasing one or more of the following while opting out of body care, embalming, viewings, funeral or memorial services, or other on-site services that would warrant charging a non-declinable fee. The following are suggested goods and services that home funeral and green burial families may wish to purchase from a funeral director.
Transfer/Transportation base fees (plus mileage outside of radius) $ To home from hospital, nursing facility, other $ To church from home $ To a cemetery or crematory $ Other
Paperwork $ Filing of death certificate/obtaining the transit permit $ Filing for Social Security benefits $ Filing for Veteran’s benefits $ Submitting an obituary (in addition to newspaper or online fees) $ Other
Additional Services $ Joint consultation with funeral director and home funeral guide $ Cremation plus ME fees with body accepted from the family $ Refrigeration with no other services required $ Use of prep room by family-led body care teams $ Use of church cart $ Use of burial cart to transport body to green burial space $ Other
Merchandise Home funeral families often want or need to purchase the container or casket ahead of time. $ Alternate container $ Body pouch $ Caskets (range) $ Casket rental $ Vault $ Urns $ Shroud $ Shrouding board $ Lowering straps $ Grave lining flowers/organic material $ Other